mercredi 20 mai 2015

Le Corps Paysage

Imagine, tu masses. Tu te promènes dans un paysage avec tes mains. 
Tu suis des pistes, des pentes. Tu arrives à un point de vue. Tu pauses ? Tu vois devant toi l'étendue du corps. Tu perçois la présence de l'être. Vous prenez le temps de respirer, l'être, les montagnes, toi, de communier. Puis, vas tu avoir envie de descendre la vallée en petits pas ou en courant ? En serpentant ? En chantant ? Il m'arrive de fredonner. Vas-tu même sauter ? 

C'est facile le massage.  C'est de cela dont je veux parler quand je dis CORPS PAYSAGE, et que je souhaite transmettre dans les ateliers.

Prochains ateliers CORPS PAYSAGE, à PARIS:

Jeudi 28 Mai - Les Reliefs et la plaine du dos
Jeudi 4 Juin - Le Ventre et les mondes aquatiques 

19h15 - 21h30
15 euros 

Biopulse Formation Massage
12 Rue saint Sauveur
75002 PARIS 

Information et inscription : 01 44 82 51 29

Photographies: Elina Brotherus 

jeudi 14 mai 2015

Sadness came as a Blue Tit

Suddenly I can't ignore Sadness : There is a Blue Tit trapped in my ribcage.
La poitrine d'une mésange palpite sous mon sternum.

Sorrow sunk in the emotional echo-chamber of my chest and took the shape of a frightened finch. Pain is most acute in the centre between the breasts, as if a splinter was planted there in Shanzhong. Mas é uma tristeza sem lagrimas. Exhaustion is such that there are no waters to cry. 

I try to calm down the bird with chosen Qi Gong exercises, but it seems to only add confusion. What we want is total stillness.  

Hoje o meu coraçao é chapim azul.
É so aceitar a forma que a pena tem (é so isso).

I lie down on the massage table.

I have grief.  
J'ai de la peine. 
I am tired. 
Je suis fatiguée.

Je respire dans mon ventre, je prends l'oiseau dans mes paumes, je masse au point de l'écharde avec le doigt de Bouddha.

I am grateful for my life and for what my life enables me to do for others and I forgive myself for not having taken care of myself enough lately. I understand there was a necessity and now there is an emergency that is me.
I remember the people I loved with my heart and hands, I understand how I made their sadnesses and anxieties mine to get to the point of it and free them, how some scorias stuck to my skin - my skin is suffering - how they can now be lifted again by re-enchantment or transformed. Bravely I produce a smile, like a lemon tree produces a lemon. Mine is very little, a green button that probably wouldn't give juice, but it is pride on my canopy and already I feel life connecting toe to head, earth to heavens. I imagine I grow into a tree where the birds can live and let go. Then I fall asleep peacefully. When I wake up the blue tit is out of my thorax.